Transcription No. 27

                    The appellant was, thus, held guilty also of causing the knife injury to Rakesh and came to be convicted under section 324 in addition to section 302 of the Penal code. Under section 324, he was sentenced to rigorous imprisonment for one year. He was also convicted under section 25 of the Arms Act … Read more

Transcription No. 26

                    The defence plea that PW2 had received the injuries on the evening of June, 23 and not in the morning of June, 24 gains credence from the fact that an incident between the two sides had admittedly taken place on the evening of June 23, 1995. In the face of this admitted position and … Read more

Transcription No. 25

                  On the basis of the definition, we can find in clause 2 (11) “undisclosed asset located outside India” means an asset (including financial interest in any entity) located outside India, held by the assessee in his name or in respect of which he is a beneficial owner, and he has no explanation about the … Read more

Transcription No. 24

                       So, except in very serious cases of fraud, we cannot use this. So, I have amended that provision. And the normal provisions under the Cr.P.C. will apply as far as bail is concerned. Now, the provisions are being amended, were referred to by Shri Rahman Khan, are relating to the mandatory capital limit. Similarly, … Read more

Transcription No. 23

                The Institute of Chartered Accountants has already issued auditing standards and the fraud reporting methodology is incorporated in those auditing standards. Sir, detecting the fraud has been left with the auditors which responsibility must also be entrusted to the management or its various officers like the Managing Director, the Chief Financial Adviser, the Administrator, … Read more

Transcription No. 22

             Sir, thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak on the Companies (Amendment) Bill. Sir, this House and the other House passed the Companies (Amendment) Act, 2013 after an exercise of more than a decade. The Companies Act, 1956 was replaced by the Companies Act, 2013 after a prolonged discussion, deliberations with the … Read more

Transcription No. 21

                       The High Court fell in grave error in holding that the suit was barred by time, and ignored to appreciate that the right of the appellants to have the revenue record corrected arose when the appellants came to know about the wrong entry and the respondents failed to join the appellants in getting it … Read more

Transcription No. 20

                   The assessee, a cooperative society, engaged in the business of providing credit facilities to its members and marketing their agricultural produce, invested the surplus funds in short-term deposits with the Banks and in Government securities, and earned interest thereon. The assessee showed the said interest income under the head “Income from business” but the … Read more

Transcription No. 19

                        Apart from the three accused whose presence at the place of occurrence was not accepted, the trial court also doubted the presence of two out of the three eye witnesses. The trial court further held that even PW-2, the only remaining eye witness, had mixed-up truth with falsehood but his testimony was not liable … Read more

Transcription No. 17

                   But, according to the medical evidence, injuries on PW2 were caused on the evening previous to the morning of June 24. This takes away the basis on which he was accepted by the trial court and the High Court as an eyewitness notwithstanding his proclivity to mix up falsehood with truth. A substantial part … Read more