“The Significance of ‘Consent’ in Rape Cases: Legal Perspectives and Precedents” (Transcription No. 40)

                  “Will” is defined as wish, desire, pleasure, inclination, choice, and faculty of conscious, and especially of deliberate, action. It is purely and solely a mental process to be ascertained, in a prosecution for rape, by what the prosecuting witness may have said or done. It being a mental process there is no other manner … Read more

“Age Determination and Consent Interpretation in Sexual Offense Cases: Legal Analysis of the Prosecutrix”(Transcription No. 39)

                        According to the supplementary report, on record, prepared by lady Dr. Shakuntala, PW-5, PW-2 was aged about 17 years. During the cross-examination, PW-5, has stated in para 9 of cross-examination that there could be a difference of 6 months both ways in the age of PW-2. Thus PW-2 can be said to be aged … Read more

“Challenges in the Judicial Process: Analyzing Discrepancies in a Kidnapping and Rape Case Involving the Prosecutrix”(Transcription No. 38)

The Additional Sessions Judge III, Hardoi vide his judgment dated September 5th, 1990 acquitted A-3 as the prosecution was not able to establish any case against her. However, on the basis of the prosecution evidence, the Additional Sessions Judge III held that the prosecutrix was about 17 years of age at the time of occurrence … Read more

“Challenges and Controversies in a Criminal Case: Delayed FIR Registration, Judicial Review, and the Prosecutrix’s Plight” (Transcription No. 37)

                   He contacted the relatives of the accused for return of his sister. He did not lodge the report immediately as the honour of the family was involved. It was only after few days that when his sister did not return and there was no help from the relatives of the accused that he made … Read more

“Court’s Approach to Prosecutrix Testimony in Sexual Assault Cases” (Transcription No. 36)

                    This Court in a long line of cases has given wider meaning to the word ‘consent’ in the context of sexual offences as explained in various judicial dictionaries. A woman who is victim of sexual assault is not an accomplice to the crime. Her evidence cannot be tested with suspicion as that of an … Read more

Transcription No. 35 (Contractual Disputes Even After Final Bill Acceptance)

                  On going through the entire materials including the oral and documentary evidence led in by both the parties and the judgment and decree of the trial Judge, we are unable to accept the only reasoning of the High Court in non-suiting the plaintiff. It is true that when the final bill was submitted, the … Read more

Transcription No. 34 (Appeal)

                   The Division Bench of the High Court, vide its order dated 7th October, 2002, allowed the appeal of the State Government and dismissed the suit of the appellant-Firm and also directed that the decretal amount deposited by the State Government and as permitted to be withdrawn by the Firm should be refunded within a … Read more

Transcription No. 29

                    In the instant case seller was not in a position to discharge his burden and, therefore, he is not entitled for refund. In view of the said position, all the authorities have held that a question of refund of tax would not arise in the case of the appellant, since no tax had been … Read more

Transcription No. 28

                    Pursuant to the aforesaid order, the respondent has filed an additional counter affidavit, in which he has emphasized the desirability of remanding the matter back to the disciplinary authority for re-determination of the matter. He has emphasized that failure to supply the enquiry report to the delinquent deprives him of making a proper representation … Read more