Transcription No. 35 (Contractual Disputes Even After Final Bill Acceptance)

                  On going through the entire materials including the oral and documentary evidence led in by both the parties and the judgment and decree of the trial Judge, we are unable to accept the only reasoning of the High Court in non-suiting the plaintiff. It is true that when the final bill was submitted, the … Read more

Transcription No. 25

                  On the basis of the definition, we can find in clause 2 (11) “undisclosed asset located outside India” means an asset (including financial interest in any entity) located outside India, held by the assessee in his name or in respect of which he is a beneficial owner, and he has no explanation about the … Read more

Transcription No. 14

                 At the time of death of their mother the children were left in custody of their paternal grandparents with whom their father is staying and the attempt of the respondent no. 1 was to alter that position before the application filed by them is considered by the Family Court. For this purpose, it was … Read more