Transcription No. 7

             I now come to the question of the role of the Planning Commission because this aspect has been brought up repeatedly in the course of the debate and it is important that we should be clear about it. Just a few minutes ago, the question of implementation of the Plan was referred to by … Read more

Transcription No. 6

     The Appellant married the daughter of respondent no. 1 as per the Islamic rites and customs. Two children were born out of the wedlock. Appellant’s wife died after thirteen years of marriage and within a year he married again. Respondent no. 1 maternal grandfather, respondent nos. 2,3, and 4 maternal aunt and uncles of … Read more

Transcription No. 5

As you are aware, before the Constitution, we had the Federal Court as the highest court in India, of course subject to the Privy Council then. When the Constitution was framed and when it was inaugurated, provision was made in Article 124 that there shall be a Supreme Court of India. As you are aware, … Read more


Sir, the new world order based on the philosophy of non-violence initiated by Gandhiji and incorporated in the 1996 Delhi declaration–what happens to that commitment? We stand committed to that. It is true that we are having disarmament. Much has happened, much more needs to happen in the field of disarmament. The intermediate missiles more … Read more